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Irregular Heartbeat
In August of this year, our friend Julie Jeong, took my wife and me to see Victor Shim.  He detected my irregular heartbeat and asked me to try his herbal formula #6A.  So far I have taken 3 bottles.  After taking the first bottle I noticed my heart condition stabilizing.  After taking two bottles, I almost didn’t notice any skipping or double beats.  Now, after taking the third bottle, my heart is working almost normally with only an irregular heartbeat once a day.  This is a big improvement from having irregular heartbeats every hour of the day.  I think this medicine is great!
John Kim, Korea

Cold Hands and Feet
For most of my life I have had trouble with poor circulations to my hands and feet.  I have also had a problem with water retention and swelling of my feet.  When I went to see Victor Shim, he indicated that I had weak kidneys and poor circulation, particularly in the lower part of my body.  He recommended two of his herbal formulas, #2 for boosting my kidney energy, and #6B for improving my circulation.  After one month I experienced a boost in my overall energy, and after a couple more months the circulations in my hands and feet improved so that they were no longer cold.  I also had no more swelling in my feet even after I had been doing a lot of walking.  I am so grateful to Victor Shim and his skills as a herbalist.  He has really helped me and my family regain a healthy life.
Helen Dudley, British Columbia

Post Polio Syndrome
In 1952 at the age of 9, I contracted Polio.  I became paralyzed from the waist down and the Crippled Children’s Hospital was my home for nine months.  Gradually I regained strength in my legs and was able to walk normally.  I went on to work in a wide variety of labour jobs, met the woman who became my wife, and started a family.  In 1987 things changed and I started to fall down for no apparent reason.  Weakness and fatigue became a daily problem and I was unable to sleep properly due to pain and sleep apnea.  As it turned out I was suffering from what is known as Post Polio Syndrome.  About a year ago I was a “basket case”, giving up hope for having any quality of life.  I lost my job due to my medical disability, had to use a wheelchair because of the extreme fatigue and was taking up to 300 mg of morphine per day to control my pain.  My life turned around when my sister coaxed me to try some of the Herbal formulas, # 2 and # 16, to control my pain.  At first I was skeptical about this type of treatment, however, I agreed to try it.  After about eight weeks I noticed a remarkable difference in my pain levels.  I decided to try another herbal formula to see if it would help control the fatigue.  To my surprise, it worked very well.  Now my pain is under control, my fatigue is completely under control, and I no longer have a problem with sleep apnea.  Even the strength in my legs has improved and prescription drugs are a thing of the past.  Last November, along with two partners, I started a new company called Respond Ability Systems, marketing accessibility products for the elderly and persons with disabilities.
Vernon Hamm, Alberta

Eczema and Joint Pain
For 3 years my hands were covered with severe eczema that got worse and I was advised to use certain hand creams, but has no luck.  I tried the herbal formula #10A and after 10 months, I only had a very small amount of my skin problem left.  I also had a problem with my hip and could not sleep through the night.  It felt like a knife was being twisted in the joint and I would wake up at least three times a night and have to change my sleeping position.  I went on the Herbal Formulas #6B and after two nights the pain was almost unbearable, but I persevered and on the third night I actually slept exceptionally well.  I have never been awakened by the pain since then.  It also helped improve my circulation and my lungs are functioning one hundred percent.
Jane Gisler, Alberta

Migraines & High Blood Pressure
I had migraine headaches for 26 years and no medication that I took helped.  My blood pressure was so high that I had two convulsions before our last daughter was born.  I have been on blood pressure medication for 40 years and about 25 years ago my heart started acting up.  I decided to try taking herbs, so I went to see Victor Shim and got a couple of herbal formulas to strengthen my heart and reduce my blood pressure.  After two and a half months I was able to get off of the blood pressure pills that I had taken for 40 years.  Also, after having had a headache every day for over a year, I am now headache free.  No more antibiotics or blood thinners since I’ve been on the herbs.  Thanks to Victor Shim I feel better than I have felt in 20 years.  Things are looking up and as of April 1998, I no longer need to even take herbs for my blood pressure and my heart is just fine.
Agnes Abbot, Alberta

Ovarian Cysts
Victor, I would like to tell you about a client of mine who had ovarian cysts so big that they were affecting the other organs around the ovaries.  My client’s doctor wanted to operate within a week, but she convinced the doctor to give her three months to try something else.  She came to see me and I made some changes in her diet and put her on your herbal formulas #3A and #14A.  She only took one bottle of each when she noticed a big difference.  She continued to take the formulas and in three months when she went back to see her doctor, the ultrasound and X-rays showed no more cysts.  My client could hardly believe it, but she was very happy.
Antoinette Lavoie, Ontario

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
In 1994, at the age of 33, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, a cancer that affects the lymph node system of the body.  It is a treatable form of cancer, but rarely is it cured.  My life was turned upside down!  I had a wife and an eight-month old baby girl.  It started with a loss of appetite, itching skin, night sweats, and abdominal pains.  After a couple of months of trying a variety of medicines with no success, my wife insisted that I go to her doctor.  Well, some blood tests and an ultrasound confirmed our worst fears.  The doctor asked if I had a medical plan and told me to take time off from work – I had cancer.  While I waited for more testing to be done, I experienced severe abdominal pain and was rushed to the hospital into surgery where they found and inoperable tumor that had grown to the size of 9 inches by 10 inches that was blocking my bowels as well as being intertwined around other organs.  After months of radiation and chemotherapy treatment the tumor had been reduced to the size of my fist.  Then, when I was schedule for a CT scan at the Cross Cancer Clinic, I was shocked to learn that there was some re-growth of the tumor around my spine.  About that time a friend came by and told us about a Chinese Herbalist and although I was skeptical, I thought why not give it a try — I had nothing to lose.  After doing my pulses he accurately told me about most of my medical problems and I reluctantly purchased the special herbal remedies that he recommended.  After a few short weeks my health improved and I had more energy and a real sense of well-being.  When I returned to the Cross Clinic for my follow-up CT scan the tumor in my spinal area was gone.  I continued the herbal treatment that Victor gave me to make sure that it was gone for good.  I was a septic, but I have certainly changed my views and really believe in Victor Shim’s herbal medicine.
Jack Szott, Alberta

Breast Cancer
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1994.  I had a lumpectomy and my lymph nodes were taken out from under the left arm.  I also endured 25 treatments of radiation.  After my surgery I got an infection on the other part of the breast area that was operated on and I was put on powerful antibiotics to treat the staphylococcus and streptococcus infections.  An ultrasound showed a cluster of grape-like growths filled with fluid in the infected area.  They told me they could do a biopsy but radiated flesh doesn’t heal very well.  After being at the Cross Clinic, we stopped in the see some friends and they told us that they were going to a seminar to listen to a Chinese herbalist named Victor Shim.  My friend asked us to go along to have my pulses done and see what he would say about my condition.  I was a little skeptical, but at that point, what did I have to lose.  He put me on a detoxification program consisting of two capsules of his herbal formula #3A taken twice daily.  I followed his instructions and in a week and a half, the pockets of fluid were completely gone.  In three months I went back to the Cross Clinic for my check up.  They did an ultrasound, the doctor told me to keep doing what I was doing and I didn’t have to go back to the Cross Clinic.  I believe that if it wasn’t for Victor Shim, I would not be here today to tell my story 7 years later.
Irene Morland, Alberta

I was an insulin dependent diabetic for five years, and now I am off insulin for over two years.  Thank you very, very much, Victor!  Diabetes, as Western medicine knows, is incurable.  When I asked you in March 1994 if you could help me with my diabetes, you said that it was possible.  At that time, I had to administer insulin twice a day, 20 to 30 units.  In four months of taking the herbs, by the middle of July 1994, I was off insulin.  My energy level has grown tremendously and I have lost weight even without having a stricter diet like when I was on insulin.  Dr. Mitchell Akman, Endocrinology and Metabolism specialist at the University of Alberta, did not want to believe the change since he had checked my condition every three months for over a year.  I have full documentation of my recovery from diabetes, and I am most willing to testify whenever it is needed.
Lajos Hajdu, Alberta

My asthma had taken over my life with using the inhaler five times a day and the special machine at night.  Since I was introduced to the herbal formulas six weeks ago, I have lost fifteen pounds and I have given up using my inhaler and the special machine.  The herbal formula #15 is wonderful!  Please use this letter to prove to people that the natural way of healing with herbs is a wonderful way to regain your life.  These herbs have taught me that my own body has the ability to overcome my asthma and my severe allergies.  Words cannot express my gratitude to you.
Carole Scott, Alberta

Hepatitis C
Victor, I would like to report to you on two separate cases of Hepatitis C that I am personally familiar with in Germany and Switzerland.  In both cases, after taking the combination of your herbal formulas Livver-JH and Addseze the patients experienced remarkable results in terms of their energy levels and general health.  In less than a year both of the individuals have returned to normal living.
Dr. David Chu, Switzerland

Cirrhosis of the Liver
In December 1994 I developed severe jaundice and 25 pounds of fluid accumulated in my abdomen.  I was hospitalized the next month, put on two different diuretic pills and was told by the doctor that my liver was shot and that I was not expected to live.  In fact, the doctor recommended that I contact my family and make preparations for my funeral.  Since I had nothing to lose I left the hospital and was taken to see Victor Shim.  He told me that there was always hope for recovery and recommended a couple of his herbal formulas.  By August 1995 my energy was back up, the yellow color had left my skin, and all of the fluid build-up was gone.  I no longer needed the diuretic pills.  I now work six days a week in my own business and am very active in the community.  I am very grateful for Victor’s herbal skills.  People here refer to me as a walking miracle.
Giles Dudley, British Columbia

Mouth and Gums Pain
I came from Ottawa to see Victor on May 27, 1995.  I have suffered with pain in my gums and mouth for close to 30 years.  I had many operations on my gums over the years with no complete cure.  For the past 7 months the pain surfaced to the left side of my face causing pain day and night.  My specialist indicated that a head operation was required.  I decided to come to Edmonton and try Victor’s treatments instead.  To my amazement his herbal formulas allowed me to get off about 8 different drugs, including the painkiller that I took for 30 years.
Celestina Mota, Ontario

Whiplash and Migraine Headaches
When I first attended one of Victor Shim’s seminars, I was  a person who had given up on traditional Western medicine and yet, was still skeptical about the prospect of obtaining any help from alternative Eastern medical practices.  Prior to the vehicle accident, I was a relatively healthy person with few medical complaints, and like so many others, took my good health for granted.  All of that changed in March 1996 when I lost control of my vehicle on black ice that covered most of the major highway upon which I was traveling.  Although I did not sustain any serious external injuries, internally I experienced severe whiplash and contracted a viral infection that invaded my spinal fluid and the tissues at the base of my brain.  I experienced a level of illness that I never imagined possible.  My life was a nightmare of symptoms including severe nausea, dizziness, disorientation, excruciating migraine headaches, and emotional instability.  I was forced to take a medical leave of absence from my job and when I sought help from two different doctors, I simply was given a handful of prescriptions which would dull the pain, but the result of many negative side-effects.  I chose not to take any of them and instead went to a chiropractor who was able to improve my condition somewhat, but I still was overwhelmed by the migraine headaches and associated symptoms.  I went to a seminar to listen to Master Herbalist, Victor Shim and when he read my pulses he identified almost every symptom that I was experiencing.  I was stunned by how accurately he pinpointed my problems.  He suggested two of his herbal formulas, #2 and #6A, and assured me that I would improve soon.  Eight days after taking the herbal formulas, I awoke with none of the symptoms that had plagued me for over a year.  Then I re-injured my neck, and the symptoms began to return;  Victor suggested that I continue the same formulas as well as acupressure treatments.  After three months, I regained my health.  I cannot recommend strongly enough to other the importance of being open to alternative methods of healing.  Every person deserves an opportunity to get better — Victor Shim and his formulas are that opportunity.
Howie Hoggins, Alberta

Emphysema and Heart Valve Dysfunction
During the month of April in 1998, a friend found me collapsed at home with heart and pulmonary failure. I was barely breathing with almost no heartbeat. The ambulance took me to the hospital in barely enough time to revive me. I lay in a hospital bed on intravenous and oxygen; my legs from the knees down suffered extreme edema, and my abdomen was distended. Every day my situation got worse and I got weaker. Then, one day a gentleman patient was wheeled into my room and in our conversation, both he and his wife who was visiting him said that upon my release I should definitely pay a visit to Victor Shim. I could clearly see that my state was getting worse by the day, so with the permission of a doctor, I left the hospital. Shortly after, I made an appointment with Victor Shim. Miraculously, after only 3-4 days of taking his herbal supplements, the swelling in both my legs and stomach went down to normal. My emphysema and heart valve trouble are presently in check thanks to Victor Shim.
M Regan, Alberta

I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus about five years before I met Victor Shim, but had suffered symptoms for years before. Once the symptoms started, I was constantly at the doctor’s office with one ailment or another. Every germ seemed to attach itself to me as my immune system was extremely weak. Eventually, even going out in the sun was out of the question as I would welt from the neck down and feel quite sick. My lower back hurt almost all the time; severe jaw pain, foods that caused the inside of my mouth to ulcerate; hair falling out; constant sore throat and runny nose, shortness of breath; TIRED all the time swelling of hands and feet; and many more symptoms. After being diagnosed, my cousin called several times over a period of 8 months, telling me that I should see an herbalist named Victor Shim in Edmonton. I wasn’t interested. My mother, who was desperate for me and didn’t feel I would be around very much longer, went to listen to Victor speak in Calgary. The next day, at my mother’s urging, I drove the hour to Red Deer with my husband, listened to Victor speak, had my pulses done, and somehow knew that he was going to help me. For the next 3 months I faithfully took the herbal blends that Victor recommended, with I thought, no noticeable improvement, but I stuck with them. The end of May I went out to plant my garden and was able to stay outside all day and not one welt! The next morning I woke up and my back wasn’t sore. Obviously my stamina had improved and something was happening. It took eight months before the pain in my hips, jaw, and hands were fully gone. I found myself at times, during my recuperation, thinking that this is it—I feel great! And then a month down the road I would realize that I’d improved even more.
Maureen Zelmer, Alberta