Laws of Nature
Harmony in Nature is the Universal law that every living creature abides by for co-existence. If we break the cycle of Nature’s Neutral Law, we will become sick. Example: Nature had designed Cows to eat grass. Men are so smart, they think that they are smarter than Mother Nature! They feed the cows with hormones, calcium from crushed bones, high tech chemicals and antibiotics! The result of Man’s interference has led the cows to go “mad”!So men call such a new disease “The Mad Cow Disease”! Who did this to the cows? Men of course, because Man thinks he is smarter than Providence of Mother Nature! The moral of this story is “We cannot interfere with the process of Mother Nature”.
Science has contributed many good things for the human race, but it has also destroyed a large portion of the natural Eco System. If we can live in harmony with Nature, then we can be as healthy as we can be. If we reverse or interfere with the natural laws, we will destroy ourselves eventually.The Laws of Nature are simple, even a child knows that we cannot make the fish live on dry land,just as we cannot make birds live in the water.
Fish, meat,fruits, vegetables are all our natural diet. By feeding our food supply with hormones, antibiotics and chemical derivatives we are indirectly feeding our children with these same chemicals. Our health depends solely on the environment and how we eat and drink. If we lose touch of the Divine Law, governing nature and mankind, we would lose everything in the end.
To know how to prevent cancer, we need to understand the Divine Law that governs the whole universe. We are not alone in these galaxies. If there is a billion or trillion galaxies out there, do not pretend to assume that we are the only intelligent beings in these vast galaxies of universes! We may only be the reflection or the mirror image of the higher and bigger galaxies above us.
Fate and destiny are governed by an intelligent Law of Nature. If there is no fate or destiny then men do not have to die! If we can cure all the cancer patients and all other diseases like AIDS etc…, the world population will be uncontrollable. Our time clock begins ticking the moment we are born. We cannot fight the law of destiny, but certainly we can flow with this natural law by making the best use of it. Drugs and medicines can ward off sicknesses and prolong life. Unfortunately, drugs and medicines can ward off sicknesses and prolong life. Unfortunately, drugs and medicines cannot prevent deaths, if the Law of Destiny or Fate is imposed upon us; we have to accept this fate, this is the way the Divine Law balances the survival of all creation from the smallest ant to the universes and in turn the galaxies and the heavens.
Surely there is a herb for every remedy, for example, horsetail, plantain, cornsilk in equal parts to dissolve kidney stones, if we want to do things the natural way. Or we can go for an operation or laser surgery to smash the stone. The choice is entirely your decision and acceptance.
Even scientists and doctors do not have the answers to everything. If we have the answers to everything, then of course we can become immortals and live forever. We have to realize that we belong to Nature, we have to Obey the laws of Nature, and in so doing, we obey the laws of our creator.